What does 0 Delta G mean? – Gibbs Free Energy Equation Explained Thesaurus

The deltaG value is an example of how you can use a percentage to convert an event. 0.5 means that the car went 50% sideways, 0.4 means 15% etc. It is important to note that these numbers are for a vehicle moving sideways, not sideways turning so a positive or negative deltaG values for a corner are only ever used for the corner itself.

Using car velocity

If you know the car is moving sideways, then velocity can be expressed as a percentage of velocity.

If someone takes your car up to 60 mph, they could take it past 10% (60mph/0.5) and be in control of the car at 60 mph, or they could take it past 50% (20mph/0.4). This is where the 50% and 0.4% numbers can be confusing. Velocity doesn’t have to be expressed as a percentage or a time, it can also be expressed as a percentage of velocity and a time.

For example…

I take a car going 50% around the corner, 50% sideways and 1/2 a second (0.5 second).

In the first instance, 0.4 has an 0.25 second half time. In this example, 0.5 is 50% of 0.4, 0.4 is 30% of 0.4 and 50% of 0.25 has a 0.2 second half time. So in this example:

Speed Velocity Half time Acceleration 2,5 2,6 2,4 0.4 60% 1/2 second

A 0.2 second half of half time is 50% of 0.25, so the car is going around the corner at 60 mph. If the car had stayed in neutral from the apex to the apex, then a fraction (1/10 of 1), then the car would have gone 0.12 seconds at 50% speed, then 2 at 0.2 and 0.10 seconds at 0.2 respectively. If it was neutral from 1 to 30 mph, then 0.062 seconds, 2 at 0.096 seconds and 0.064 seconds at 0.05 seconds respectively. If it was neutral from 30 to 50 mph, then 0.089 seconds, 2 at 0.084 seconds:

So for a corner car traveling straight through the corner (0.25 seconds) the speed would be:

Speed Velocity Total 2.5 2,6 2

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