What do you call a drawing of a person? – Pencil Drawing Images Of Nature

A picture of a woman. Does that mean a picture of a girl or something more intimate?

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Kamkar: (In French) I’d say a picture of a person.

(Laughter from the audience) And it’s really hard for us (laughs). But a picture is important for us and for these kind of art forms, because if you don’t draw the person that’s in the picture, it doesn’t have any meaning in the picture that the people can see. So in an art-making process it’s important to not draw the person.

I think we were just trying to understand (what was) going on with the emotions of this drawing – that they are the same emotions.

Bach: So just to ask, how did it feel to see you succeed on a global level – this is a new category, I think – with ‘Le Nozze di Figaro’?

Kamkar: It’s a kind of a new thing for me. I don’t know how many years (they’re) on the shelves, but I was really grateful when this happens. I was very grateful because I was not used to such a large international success (film).

This is very new for me – I really liked it and I am not saying that it’s the “real world” experience – but I am really glad that I can do this. I was feeling something really special – because I’m not really used to this kind of success.

Bach: Are the results you are seeing in the international theatre this year different from what you imagined the result would be?

Kamkar: Yes – it can be. It’s the same thing – the film version – the international stage is very much like a real world. The performance itself has become quite interesting.

I also love the fact that (our) audiences have reacted very very well and they are still responding! So, at the end of the day, our performance (in Paris) was really, really good!

Bach: And what are you doing next with your career? Are you going to be directing?

Kamkar: I want to be a director in one of the best European cities, one of the best cities for theatre in the whole world – so I have decided to concentrate in one of these European cities, because I want to do this kind of work in France and then I have the possibility to go back, if I would like, because

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