Why is saffron expensive? – Saffron Planting And Care

One of the reasons saffron is so expensive in India (it is grown in Iran, and grown in Kashmir, India!) is because saffron was used by the Hindus and others to cleanse their bodies before sex. Today, saffron is used in Asian cooking as it is believed it can cleanse the throat, and will also calm the mind. Many believe it will calm one down, and get one to sleep, but there is some conflicting evidence – it is not known if saffron can actually help that (the studies being done in this regard are rather small and controversial). However, in some religious texts, saffron and bindu are considered to be associated with healing properties. In fact, in Ayurveda, saffron was sometimes used to prevent men from becoming impotent, and in Hindu Vedic texts, it was considered a remedy for all sorts of physical ailments.

It is possible that saffron is actually not so bad, and can even make people happy. In fact, there are people who claim saffron was once considered an ungodly spice, and was considered to be a poison by the Hindus. In fact, the British called Indian saffron “Indian poison” because they were afraid of it, but that is really only the case in Britain because the spice was used by the Aryans in India, which were a much different people to the British people of England. However, the British didn’t really have to fear Indian saffron; it is just another part of their world – this was a part of our world too, but it was called saffron back then.

Saffron is also believed to have healing powers, but only in cases where the affected part is extremely injured. You don’t have to get a saffron paste if you want to get a lot of relief, but if you are having trouble breathing because of bad breath, or you have a headache, or your skin is sensitive to sunlight or is being burned, then saffron might suit you.

Saffron is not always harmful

Saffron has medicinal uses also. Some people think of saffron as a poison because it can be toxic when eaten, but there are some people who say that it is very non-toxic. There are some people using saffron to treat chronic coughs, ulcers, and even arthritis.
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Saffron has been used to treat cancer patients in India for a

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